
Saturday, December 15, 2007


Last night, had dinner with parent, uncle and aunt.Suddenly my uncle said something. He say i shouldn't go out so late. The reason he gave me is simple. He told me not to give wrong signal to others.Of course, he knows me very well, he knew every single thing of me. He even titled himself as my half father. :) He explained that he knew i might just wan to be friendly, but if i am ok to go out so late, it might give them the wrong signal which hits that they still have chance.I believe he is right. But deep in my heart, i know it is so hard to convince myself to follow what he told. It is so hard to have a simple friendship?

I scare to hear what my friend told me. It makes me so nerve when i meet a new people. I build my wall so high which i really not willing to do so. I just doubt.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007


会很期待部落格的主人update , 不管大事`小事都让人很兴奋。
疯狂的时期,可以开着部落格, 让部落格的歌播了又播, 重复读里头的文章。

不过,当我觉得我中毒太深, 我会想办法去制止我的行为。
我会阻止我去游览那些部落格, 免得自己越陷越深。

因为我觉得机会很渺茫, 不想自己沉迷而已 :)